- Setting
- Clans
- Bloodlines
- Protagonists
- Dialogs
- Reference
- Discussions
"I wrung from the darkness - that the darkness flung me -
Is worthless as ignorance: nothing comes from nothing,
The darkness from the darkness. Pain comes from the darkness
And we call it wisdom. It is pain."
-Randall Jarrell (1914–1965)

"One's pain is lessened by another's anguish. Hold this..."
-Dr. Nuyen Van Faulk (1968-1995)

Website designed by Edward Cupps and Dustin Evermore. c.1999-2002

Credit and thanks go to Jason Monroe, Brian Pint, Ryan McCullogh, Josh Holt, Tom Welch, Holland Erickson, Lisa Hartjes, Curtis Eckerman and all those who participated consciously or not.  And of course...the Partyman R.I.P.